Ammo, gun, prints and all kinds of other items are to be won at the Friends of the NRA Dinner. The following are some of the prizes and some of the winners from past events.

Some of the guns and other items are commissioned by the NRA. Gun makers, artist and companies take great pride in being invited to participate and really try to offer some of the best examples of their work in these limited edition items.

2002 Friends of the NRA

2005 Handgun of the Year
You will find a wide range of items for auction.
The BONUS Prizes and the WALL OF GUNS are the two most popular drawings.

When you buy tickets for the BUCKET RAFFLE you get extra BONUS TICKETS based on how many raffle tickets you buy. Guns, scopes and many other items go to the lucky winners.
Well sell 50 tickets for each drawing from the WALL OF GUNS. If you win you get to pick what you want from the rifles, shotguns and handguns on display.

This is just one of several tables

We have tables of BUCKET RAFFLE items for you to choose from. Tickets are cheep, costing only 50 cents each and they get cheaper the more you buy, (plus you get extra BONUS BUCKET tickets.) You can win just about anything from computer items, handmade items, hunting and fishing items, food and cosmetic items, you just never can tell. Most items are donated by local clubs, businesses and individuals. The value of the items can range between $20 to $100 or more.

We always have a table of DOOR PRIZES that you can win just for showing up.

We have many other Raffles where you buy a ticket or win a ticket. Items range from gun to prints to "who knows what the NRA is going to come up with." Sometimes the raffle will have two prizes and you get to pick the one you want.

You know that the NRA will have some of the best guns on the market offered as prizes from some of the best gun makers in the world.

And the NRA will commission artist to make many unique items for you to win.


P.O. Box 784
Monroe, NY 10949
(845) 782-7449
All content on the Orange County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Inc. Web Site and all pages included therein, including, but not limited to all text, sounds, images are Copyright © 1999 by the Orange County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Inc., all rights reserved, unless otherwise specified.  The information contained on this site was verified to the best of our ability at the time of publication.